Unconditional Love- Sheet Music – Download


  • original Piano score of “Unconditional Love”
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Unconditional love is the purest form of love, where one gives love sincerely and loves completely free of expectations. In this form there is no reciprocation and no demands. This is what this wonderful calm and peaceful piano piece “Unconditional Love” is about. Unconditional love is about everything you live and give out of full love. We love our friends, our partners, our children and our animals. This love can also be directed towards nature or faith, to everything we love from the heart. I wrote this song out of love for my hobby, playing the piano. When we love unconditionally, we become selfless free and it promotes the good in us. I wish for a world where everyone gives love unconditionally. The world would be a good, fruitful and peaceful place for our descendants. Love heals.