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A day in Paradise

Everyone has a dream of a day in paradise. What would it look like? The felt piano piece “a day in paradise” is about such a day. This quiet piece consists of several different parts, which leaves space and time for your own imagination. While for one it shows a perfect place to stay, for another it is a place of arrival or the achievement of a perfect love. This piece is meant to lead the listener to his own paradise. It should give you a little time out from everyday stress and all obligations. Thus the listener arrives again completely in his own healthy center. Just take a listen and relax for a while.

Signs & Promises

Signs & Promises is dedicated to the destroyed forest areas in my hometown Lindlar. “Signs & Promises” means signs of destruction (drought, destruction of forests, diminishing natural resources) and on the other hand “promises” as a kind of potential and possibility of rebirth and for us humans as bearers of hope to influence the world with our conscious behaviour. With Signs & Promises I want to draw attention and encourage people to think and act. I hope for a bright future in which we all pitch in together.

Streben nach Glück

The cheerful waltz-like piano piece “Streben nach Glück” (“Striving for Happiness”) describes our journey in searching the meaning of life and existence. Every human being needs light and happiness in order to survive. We strive for this feeling of happiness in order to be able to grow personally, enrich our lives, to be able to give love and to come out of ourselves. Then we are able to develop ourselves into a complete free state of happiness. This piece is meant to help listeners to find themselves, to focus and to make themselves receptive to the supply of happiness.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is the purest form of love, where one gives love sincerely and loves completely free of expectations. In this form there is no reciprocation and no demands. This is what this wonderful calm and peaceful piano piece “Unconditional Love” is about. Unconditional love is about everything you live and give out of full love. We love our friends, our partners, our children and our animals. This love can also be directed towards nature or faith, to everything we love from the heart. I wrote this song out of love for my hobby, playing the piano. When we love unconditionally, we become selfless free and it promotes the good in us. I wish for a world where everyone gives love unconditionally. The world would be a good, fruitful and peaceful place for our descendants. Love heals.


“Symbols” is about images, signs and symbols in our everyday life that are supposed to help us find the right path. Often they are symbols that we do not know and that we cannot interpret at the beginning, but if we open ourselves to them and try to understand these signs of life, sooner or later we will get an answer to all our questions. The symbols take on a meaning and become true helpers for us on our planet. They are strong in their meaning and we can lean on them. We only have to recognize them and draw positive things from them. They give us reason for self-reflection and strengthen our inner self.